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What Does a Wheel Alignment Entail?

What Does a Wheel Alignment Entail?

Wheel alignment is a maintenance task that provides safety and enhances the performance of your vehicle. They are one of several tire/wheel services that are often overlooked. In our article today, we will discuss what a wheel alignment service entails and what signs to look for that may indicate your car needs one. What Does a Wheel Alignment Entail? Wheel alignment is the process of changing the angles of the wheels to the manufacturer's specifications. Proper wheel alignment helps ensure even tire wear, improved handling and stability, and maximum fuel efficiency. There are three main angles that need to be adjusted during a wheel alignment: Camber - the angle of the wheel in relation to the vertical axis. Toe - the angle of the wheel in relation to the centerline of the vehicle. Caster - the angle of the steering axis in relation to the vertical axis. When Should You Get a Wheel Alignment It's recommended that you ge ... read more

What Is Computer Diagnostics & How Has It Impacted the Auto Repair Industry?

What Is Computer Diagnostics & How Has It Impacted the Auto Repair Industry?

Computer diagnostics have revolutionized the way automotive repair shops diagnose and repair vehicles. Gone are the days of trying to identify the problem through trial and error, or relying on the driver’s description of the problem. With the advent of computer diagnostics, repair shops now have access to a wealth of information about the workings of a vehicle. A computer diagnostic system is made up of a computer and a software program designed by the manufacturer. The computer is connected to the vehicle’s onboard computer through a diagnostic interface. The software program then communicates with the vehicle’s computer, retrieving data and codes that can help diagnose the problem. One of the biggest benefits of using computer diagnostics is the speed at which problems can be identified. A computer diagnostic system can quickly identify the root cause of a problem, meaning the repair can be done faster, and the vehicle can be back on the road sooner. This can sav ... read more

What to Expect From Your Vehicle’s Emissions Test

What to Expect From Your Vehicle’s Emissions Test

High vehicle emissions pose many health and environmental issues, including toxins, urban smog, and even global warming. That is why some drivers in Easton, PA are subject to regular emissions testing. Depending on your vehicle’s model year, its type, and the county you reside in, you may need to schedule this test to drive your vehicle legally.  At Jeff’s Automotive, Inc., we are a certified emissions testing facility. This smog check is designed to keep the air clean for you, your loved ones, and everyone else in the community. Our technicians will inspect, test, and measure emissions gasses to ensure your car, SUV, or truck is in compliance with regulations.  When your vehicle’s engine combusts, it releases a ton of byproducts that go through the exhaust system. The exhaust system comprises many parts that help transform these harmful gasses before releasing them into the air. If there are no laws to regulate poor-performing vehicles, our air quality c ... read more

Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Timing Belt

Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Timing Belt

The timing belt tends to be forgotten or overlooked when it comes to auto maintenance. This rubber is the part of your vehicle’s engine that synchronizes the crankshafts and camshaft rotation. At some point during your vehicle's life, you will have to change the timing belt. Most cars require a timing belt replacement every 75,000-100,000 miles.  What About Timing Chains? Some cars have timing chains instead of timing belts. It serves the same purpose, but the component is made of steel instead. Timing chains can still stretch or break, but they wear longer than timing belts. Your engine parts, including the timing belt, must work in perfect synchrony to ensure seamless engine operation. If the timing belt breaks on you, it certainly will damage the internal parts of the engine. That is why it is essential for you to know how to spot early signs of timing belt failure. It can save you tons of money on unnecessary engine repairs.  Here are some of ... read more

Pre Purchase Inspections: How They Can Answer Your Questions and Help You Decide

Pre Purchase Inspections: How They Can Answer Your Questions and Help You Decide

Shopping for a car, SUV, or truck can be difficult – it takes time and research. Say you come across a pre-owned car with a great price; what’s next? You should ensure your vehicle is in great mechanical condition by taking it to our auto repair shop for a pre-purchase inspection. When buying a big investment, like a car, you should be extra cautious. By bringing this car to a professional mechanic with unbiased opinions, you can save time and money on headaches in the future. What Entails a Pre-Purchase Inspection? There are several steps involved in a pre-purchase inspection. Typically, it will include a computer diagnostics test. A mechanic will use a scan tool to identify any trouble codes that are present on the onboard computer. Next, they will assess the quality and condition of the engine, brakes, transmission, tires, and other important systems. Once the multi-point inspection is completed, the tech will go over any concerns they may have. If we identify any prob ... read more