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Monthly Archives: May 2023

Is Your Car Making Strange Noises? Discover the Top 5 Sounds You Should Never Ignore

Is Your Car Making Strange Noises? Discover the Top 5 Sounds You Should Never Ignore

While some noises may be harmless, others can indicate underlying issues that require immediate attention. Ignoring these sounds could potentially lead to more significant problems and repairs down the line.  By understanding these sounds and their potential causes, you can take measures to keep your car running smoothly and ensure your safety on the road. That's why we have put together the list below, so you are informed about five of the most important noises your car makes when it has issues. 1. Squealing Brakes One of the most common and noticeable sounds is a high-pitched squeal when using the brakes. This sound typically indicates worn-out brake pads - either because of the wear indicator or the pad backplate making contact with the rotor. Ignoring it can lead to decreased braking performance and potential damage to the brake system.  2. Grinding Gears If you hear a grinding or crunching noise when shifting gears in a manual t ... read more